Wednesday, April 14, 2010

At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul (1963) aka À Meia-Noite Levarei Sua Alma

4.5 / 5 Apr '10
Tagline: N/A
Directed by: José Mojica Marins
Written by: José Mojica Marins
Actors include: José Mojica Marins, Magda Mei, Nivaldo Lima
Genre: Horror
Length: 82 minutes
Banned: Nope

"I'll eat meat today even if it's human flesh!” Gosh I loved this film, Ze is sort of like a Brazilian Freddy Krueger from the '60s. He is an evil philosopher, he's got pointy fingernails (which is because the director stepped in the role of Ze when the lead actor quit...the director happened to have long thumbnails so they created prosthetics for the rest of his nails) and he's a hilarious world class jerk. He is also on a mission to have a child no matter how many women he has to beat up and kill to do it! This is shockingly gory and violent especially when you consider the year, and it must have been really controversial at the time considering Ze's anti-religion stance. The whole thing is in black and white and the sets are very spooky really, it feels like a Halloween movie big time. The beginning is a bit cheesy but stick with it, so rewarding and entertaining I loved the heck out of it and can't wait to see the two sequels. For once I spent $100 on a box set and felt like it was actually worth it, and I've only seen the one disc! Apparently this was the first Brazilian horror film and if there are more like this one count me in, I must see more!

Availability:  On DVD

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