Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Devil's Rain (1975)

3.5 / 5 Feb '10
Tagline: Absolutely the most incredible ending of any motion picture
Directed by: Robert Fuest
Written by: James Ashton, Gabe Essoe
Actors include: Ernest Borgnine, Tom Skerritt, William Shatner
Genre: Horror
Length: 86 minutes
Banned: Nope

This one is sort of a mixed bag, on the plus side we have Ernest Borgnine as one of the leads of the erm church of the devil. On the con side, the plot is pretty ridiculous, a group of Satanists who have something called "the devil's rain" in a jar (which causes them to melt if broken?). William Shatner plays Mark Preston, a curious fellow investigating what happened to his Mom who turned up dead with blackened eye holes. See it seems that most of the worshippers have blackened eye holes (which is dark glass of some kind hiding the eyes, sort of a cool effect) after joining the cult. The film was overseen by real life Satanic cult leader Anton LaVey which is kinda neat I suppose, perhaps that means some of the rituals are based in fact who knows? The effects are reasonably impressive, especially for something that feels so low budget, and this film also marks the debut appearance of John Travolta (though blink and you will miss him). As far as Satanism movies go, this isn't my favorite but it's still a reasonable offering, I just think the end goes on for way too long. Worth a viewing for fans of trash and devil related films, probably not as bad as it's reputation would suggest.

Availability:  On DVD

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