Monday, September 27, 2010

Tower Of Evil (1972) aka Horror Of Snape Island

3.5 / 5 Sept '10
Tagline: They came, they saw, they died!
Directed by: Jim O'Connolly
Written by: George Baxt, Jim O'Connolly
Actors Include: Bryant Haliday, Jill Haworth, Anna Palk
Genre: Horror
Length: 89 minutes
Banned: Nope

Well this certainly has some things going for it, in fact I really did debate whether or not to give this a 4.0 or a 3.5, but it has some major problems too so I decided to go lower. First of all it's a rather cheap English production, and the miniatures are laughable, as well the background of water while they were "sailing", I mean come on. It starts out with finding a bunch of gory mutilated corpses on Snape Island, a mainly deserted area with a tower, but they also find a girl alive who stabs a fisherman to death. A group of sex obsessed archeologists wearing tight clothing take up partying on Snape Island to determine what happened, and if the girl was the murderer. They smoke up, drink and sleep around and occasionally hunt for lost treasure on the land. It's actually very entertaining and easy to watch though absurd and very unrealistic. The middle part of the film could have used a bit more violence considering how sensational the beginning was. It is a sleazy amusing little mystery that should please most, though the cheapness may keep a few from enjoying.

Availability:  On DVD

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