Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Gore Gore Girls (1972) aka Blood Orgy

5 / 5
Tagline: The most horrifying film you'll ever see in your life!
Directed by: Herschell Gordon Lewis
Written by: Alan J. Dachman
Actors include: Frank Kress, Amy Farrell, Hedda Lubin
Genre: Horror
Length: 81 minutes
Banned: Australia
Country: USA

So this won't be "Gone With The Wind" for anyone, it's still one of my favorite horror films and I even took my namesake from this 'un. Firstly it's terribly low budget and filled with bad jokes...which are so bad they are actually good again. The seventies decor should provide mass entertainment also but of course this flick's charms lie elsewhere. The story is simple, there is a killer bumping off strippers in gory gory gory (did I mention gory) ways. We have face in french fry batter, scissored nipples (one with chocolate milk, one with while) and well I shant ruin any more. The strippers in the movie are brilliant, they do look like real stoned out bruised up hookers. They dance to circus music pretty much which is what makes this film so great, that and all the characters in the film that don't seem to go anywhere but do super strange things for no reason. It's super easy and even hilarious to sit through and I think it makes me laugh more than any comedy but no it's not shocking or surpising or intelligent or scary. If you like funny horror though this can hardly be topped, recommended to the umpteenth degree!

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