Monday, May 11, 2009

Nightmare (1964) aka Here's The Knife, Dear: Now Use It

3.5 / 5
Tagline: N/A
Directed by: Freddie Francis
Written by: Jimmy Sangter
Actors include: David Knight, Moira Redmond, Jennie Linden
Genre: Horror, Mystery
Length: 83 minutes
Banned: Nope
Country: UK

So far I think this is my least favorite of the Hammer pictures, but even that being said it's rather clever and classy and when things come to a ending it's rather surprising. Our story is about a young woman named Janet who is sent home from private school because she keeps having freak outs in her dreams. Once she's home things don't seem to be getting any better. She keeps being haunted by images of her mother freaking out and stabbing her father. She keeps almost trying to convince herself that she's insane but we can't be quite sure. It kind of takes a turn from there about another woman coming into the situation and seeing who she thinks is her husband's ex-wife. Nobody will tell her the truth and well we definitely find out why. It's confusing which was a bit annoying but it mainly made sense in the end which is good news. It's kind of neat but they've definitely done better!

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