Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Toolbox Murders (1978)

3.5 / 5

Tagline: Bit by bit...By bit he carved a nightmare!
Directed by: Dennis Donnelly
Written by: Neva Friedenn, Robert Easter
Actors include: Cameron Mitchell, Pamelyn Ferdin, Wesley Eure
Genre: Horror
Length: 93 minutes
Banned: Norway
Country: USA

This one actually starts off to be a load of fun with serious '70s decor and outfits and creative killings. There is a maniac in an apartment building with a toolbox...of death! He goes around to the apartments of attractive women who love to be naked and kills them in fun and bloody ways. I actually seriously love the killings in this one, and the atmosphere but the thing is they try to make some sort of scooby doo story towards the end and it gets boring and the action totally stops about halfway through. It's too bad they couldn't come up with a stronger finishing move because this could have been a really great slasher. On that note the remake is extremely different from this one, they changed it a TON.

Availability:  On DVD

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