Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Jennifer (1978) aka Jennifer The Snake Goddess aka Jennifer Power

4 / 5
Tagline: She walks in terror, stilled with fright. A trail of fear, to fill the night!
Directed by: Brice Mack
Written by: Kay Cousins Johnson, Steve Krantz
Actors include: Lisa Pelikan, Bert Convy, Nina Foch
Genre: Horror
Length: 90 minutes
Banned: nope
Country: USA

I don't know why but I really really like this film, and a lot more than I should. It's little more than a "Carrie" rip-off with snakes when it all comes down but for some reason it's captivating. Jennifer is attending a private school on scholarship, and the rich brats at the school make her life hell. And boy are they bitchy brats! They don't know that Jennifer has the power to command snakes with her mind and she exacts her revenge. Yeah for whatever reason watching someone get revenge (especially with snakes galore) is my idea of a good time! It's not really gory and scary isn't a word I'd use either, but if you find this one (it's not on DVD unfortunately) I'd say to try it for sure. Considering how much of a clone it is it's extremely entertaining and I think it'll surprise you!

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