Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Killing Kind (1973)

4 / 5 Apr '09
Tagline: Terry loved soft, furry, little animals. He loved his mother. He loved pretty girls...ALL DEAD!
Directed by: Curtis Harrington
Written by: Tony Crechales, George Edwards
Actors include: Ann Sothern, John Savage, Ruth Roman
Genre: Horror, Drama, Crime, Thriller
Length: 95 minutes
Banned: Nope
Country: USA

Fascinating and not at all what I was expecting, especially for something so low budget. It's about a young man who is forced into a gang rape situation but cannot rape the girl because he can't get it up. Regardless he is charged with rape and thrown in jail for 2 years. He gets out and returns to his Mom's boarding school where she dotes upon him. Something odd is going on as at the boarding school a young girl shows up and the mother says she only rents to elderly tenants. She goes against her own advice and lets the girl live there but of course she becomes a fascination for the son. This isn't bloody yet it's extremely effective and it never comes close to being dull, one of the best unknown horror films I've come across, highly recommended for those looking for something a little bit different.

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