Monday, May 11, 2009

The Phantom Of The Opera (1925)

4.5 / 5
Tagline: The Greatest Horror Film Of Modern Cinema!
Directed by: Rupert Julian
Written by: Gaston Leroux
Actors include: Lon Chaney, Mary Philbin, Gibson Gowland
Genre: Horror, Drama
Length: 107 minutes
Banned: Nope
Country: USA

Well I know the musical version very well, and the story here doesn't deviate a heck of a lot, it's pretty much exactly as I had expected. The big difference is of course that this version is definitely creepier and more atmospheric, the sets are spectacular as well as the scale this is done with. The color process of having different scenes different colors is initially distracting but it really grew on me as it went on and made it appear really fascinating. The biggest draw is of course Lon's make-up which is simply some of the best I've seen, he actually does look like the yellow nose-less freak he's been described as! The story of course is about a chorus girl named Christine whom the Phantom falls in love with. He threatens the Opera owners to put Christine in the lead or else bad things will happen and of course they do. Then he actually meets Christine and offers to coach her but in exchange she must go with him when the time is right, of course we don't see his face until over half of the movie has lapsed. It's really an epic film and it's amazing to watch if not a little dry in places, and less opera singing is more but still the most amazing version of the film I've seen.

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