Tuesday, May 12, 2009

She-Wolf Of London (1946) aka The Curse Of The Allenbys

3.5 / 5
Tagline: N/A
Directed by: Jean Yarbrough
Written by: Dwight V. Babcock, George Bricker
Actors include: Don Porter, June Lockhart, Sara Haden
Genre: Horror
Length: 61 minutes
Banned: Finland
Country: USA

I really didn't care for the last film in the Universal werewolf picture, but this was a great improvement. First of all it's probably quite different than you may expect and it doesn't have much if anything to do with the rest of the series. Still it's an interesting take on the wolf idea, and it's got an awesome ending that I sure didn't expect. The story is about a young woman who thinks she has her family's curse of werewolfism. When she wakes up each day her slippers are muddy and of course someone is dead. We don't get to see much of anything and don't expect to either, I think that's why so many are disappointed with this one. For me the story and the fact that it was so short and well shot made up for this. It's incredibly similar to "Cat People" in many ways, but yet it's not exactly a copy or anything, it just shares the same sentiment. It's a cute movie and at a little over an hour long it's very easy to sit through and relatively fun to watch.

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